Saturday, July 4, 2009

Anerio Cincotta's Tomato Sauce

Sauce to Save and Freeze

in a large pan (the heavier the better):

brown broken, crumbled and whole sausages of your choice in:
1/4 cup of olive oil


3 Tablespoons of minced garlic and continue to cook till soft only.


6 lg cans of Kitchen ready tomato sauce (Pastene)
1 teaspoon Vino(I [Bill] would use 1/4 cup but that is just me.)
Italian seasoning or Oregano
Salt and pepper to taste

Simmer, Simmer, Simmer.

In a large bowl, make meatballs:

Mix together:

2 pounds of Hamburg with low fat content
3 tablespoons minced garlic (Howards)
A small onion cut up fine
Grated cheese 1/4 cup(Parmesan, Romano, etc.)
Two and a half cups of bread crumbs
Three whole eggs

Roll by hand into ball

Either bake in the oven or fry in a frying pan until brown.

Add the meatballs to the pan.

Simmer, Simmer, Simmer on lowest setting.
You do not have to boil it. It will take care of itself.

Mom used a large stainless pan that would normally come with a set of pans. Before that there was cast iron, which was wonderful for simmering or going into the oven. The problem is that tomato is so acidic that you can end up with a distinctive Iron taste to the sauce. Big, heavy Dutch ovens with enamel coating are ideal for this. They can sometimes be very expensive though. There is a Chinese manufacturer that makes a great pan endorsed by Cook's Country or America's Test Kitchen which is quite affordable. The one they showed was green enamel with a white or cream interior.
I always used my very heavy pressure cooker made of stainless steel. That worked perfectly and I never noticed a taste that I did not want.
Never...Ever...Use Aluminum or cover tomato sauce with Aluminum foil for more than a few minutes. You will see after a night in the refrigerator that the tomato sauce will eat right through the foil wherever it touches. There was once a link from cooking in Aluminum to Alzheimer's. I do not think they still say that, but it pays to be cautious with something that is so easy to corrode.

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