Saturday, April 13, 2013


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Blog Addresses

There are three blogs pertaining to our sprawling family.
Those of you with Mitchell blood may be interested in the fourth pertaining to my father's family. I would encourage those who want to start blogs for your specific family branch to contact me for help and they could easily cross reference with these. Just let me know the address and I will put a link in to all of these blogs for yours. is all about family history in narrative style beginning with my grandmother. There are some family photos included. is all about family photos with captions only. is all about family recipes along with photos of the originating cook. All about my father's family this is all about my garden in Massachusetts, including many plants from family.  NEW

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A couple of interesting links for Italian recipes.

She has a number of wonderful and hard to find recipes for italian desserts.  I made her Almond Cake for a dinner the other day and it was divine.  Not a lot of expensive ingredients...sort of a one bowl method, and it was like a sugar cookie wrapped in Marzipan...Just great.

Vincent(Vincezo) has a wonderful site with lots of information on Sicilan cooking of all sorts.  He helped me to find and understand the  Saint Joseph's day soup that I had in Salina a few years ago.  I never found just exactly the right soup recipe before, but this helped me tpo coonnect with my family roots a bit more.

Serving the soup on Saint Joseph's day in front of San Lorenzo in Malfa, Salina

More cups from my collection.  Red Coalport c.1830 and Blue RC Derby c.1930.
I only drink tea because I like the cups!
Except Constant Comment...listen, the purists are crying: YUK all over the world.

Are You Eating Pink Slime?

There are additives in everything, it seems.  But one that thoroughly disgusts me is Pink Slime.

Some companies take all the trimmings from beef...How are they collected and how long are they held, I cannot attest to.  But, they put these trimmings into a container(a centrifuge?) with heat and they cook out most of the fat.  Then they gas the stuff with ammonia or citric acid to kill the bacteria...why do you need to kill bacteria in beef if it is fresh and wholesome to begin with?  Then they put it in your ground beef as if it was fresh beef, and sell it to you. 

This is not universal, and many stores do not do it, but you should be suspicious enough, if this disgusts you as it does me, to ask the meat department at your supermarket.  They call it LEAN FINELY TEXTURED BEEF, and you may have to refer to it that way.
It started out as pet food, and later it was approved for LIMITED HUMAN CONSUMPTION and it could not be in more than a 25% ratio to fresh beef or any other product.

I do not know about you, but I always look at cheap beef and beef products with a suspicious eye.  Even cheap beef is sooo expensive these days, with scarce and expensive feed and limited pasture land.

I really resent this deception.

I know it will never happen, but I am always sniffing my hamburger now, wondering if I will detect a faint odor of just FREAKS ME OUT!!!!!

We should, of course, be restricting our meat intake anyway, especially red meat.  We are slowly killing ourselves.  The Italians never...or perhaps rarely, provide large cuts of meat at the table.  It is more like a condiment than a main food item. 

We should take a hint from them on meat servings, and always ask your butcher about the pink slime situation in their meat.

Also, make a point about asking at your school....are they feeding this crap to your kids?